Julie Curione

Fitness Trainer

About Me

Hello, My name is JULIE CURIONE, I am an all woman’s Personal Trainer, and I compete in bodybuilding. I have been training women of all ages since 2020, and continue to help women reach their goals! I coach women to get them fit, increase their health levels, and reach any goal that they are wanting to reach.

A little bit about me, I have an older brother who also competes in bodybuilding and is a personal trainer as well. I have a twin sister who is into working out too but has a different career interest in becoming a firefighter. My Mom was a Charger cheerleader and Miss USA in 93’ for two years. Overall, my family and I have a strong work ethic and driven mindset no matter what path we choose to pursue in our lives. One thing about me is I always go 100% in everything I do whether it’s my own fitness goals , paying attention to my clients fitness goals/needs or simply giving 100% to everything I do that day, despite some hard days that may challenge me and my motivation, my discipline will always make me push forward & outwork the days that test my limits.

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Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey

I started taking the fitness industry seriously when I was 16 years old, and a sophomore in high school, that happened to be when quarantine had hit for everyone, and I knew right at that moment in time that I did not want to sit around and wait for something good to come to me. So, with the help of my brother Devin Curione who is also a bodybuilder, and owner of The Human Elite, I started to work my ass off, and at first it was to build up that confidence that I was striving to have in myself. But it then turned into me wanting to take all my hard work of training for a couple years and put it to some good use in the bodybuilding and personal training industry. I started off working front desk in my brothers gym , and started training some friends of mine as well. My passion kept on growing as I would watch others in the gym transform their bodies, and grow in their confidence. I then prepped for my first bikini bodybuilding competition in 2021 at 17 years old. I was the youngest in my classes that were filled with other women who were 20+. I ended up placing first place in my division and qualified for a national show. Being on that stage, showing off what I worked hard for, and placing so high at such a young age was an indescribable feeling. But I continue to grow, and become better in every aspect for more competitions to come! I have learned so much throughout the years of training, and absolutely love helping other women feel badass in their own skin, just like I strive to feel as well!
Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey

I started taking the fitness industry seriously when I was 16 years old, and a sophomore in high school, that happened to be when quarantine had hit for everyone, and I knew right at that moment in time that I did not want to sit around and wait for something good to come to me. So, with the help of my brother Devin Curione who is also a bodybuilder, and owner of The Human Elite, I started to work my ass off, and at first it was to build up that confidence that I was striving to have in myself. But it then turned into me wanting to take all my hard work of training for a couple years and put it to some good use in the bodybuilding and personal training industry. I started off working front desk in my brothers gym , and started training some friends of mine as well. My passion kept on growing as I would watch others in the gym transform their bodies, and grow in their confidence. I then prepped for my first bikini bodybuilding competition in 2021 at 17 years old. I was the youngest in my classes that were filled with other women who were 20+. I ended up placing first place in my division and qualified for a national show. Being on that stage, showing off what I worked hard for, and placing so high at such a young age was an indescribable feeling. But I continue to grow, and become better in every aspect for more competitions to come! I have learned so much throughout the years of training, and absolutely love helping other women feel badass in their own skin, just like I strive to feel as well!

Personal Training

Do you want to love what you see in the mirror?
Do you want to get in the best shape of your life?
Are you looking for a trainer that will help you reach your goals & guarantees results?

Message me for training because whether your goal is to gain muscle, lose weight, tone up, or just simply feel more confident and badass in your own skin. I offer a type of training for women of ALL AGES that will push you past your limits daily & help you achieve any of your desired fitness goals! I have helped so many women transform their bodies and feel strong, sexy, and healthy! Now it is time for you to let me help you get there!

Training Includes


0600 – 0700 Hours


0600 – 0700 Hours


0600 – 0700 Hours


0600 – 0700 Hours


0600 – 0700 Hours


0600 – 0700 Hours


0600 – 0700 Hours


0600 – 0700 Hours


0600 – 0700 Hours

Training Rates

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Diet Or Fitness Report


Diet & Fitness Report


Diet & Fitness Max

My Clients

You vs you

YOU are the only person who decides if you will succeed or fail.

Which will you chose?

Ryan Neason
Natalie Foster

What People Say About Me